Registration fees

Regular registration
From February 19 – To July 1
Late registration
From July 2 – To September 27
Latin America, Lower- middle income countries, Students $200.000 Chilean pesos $250.000 Chilean pesos
INEBRIA members $250.000 Chilean pesos $300.000 Chilean pesos
General public $300.000 Chilean pesos $350.000 Chilean pesos
(*) Coffee breaks and lunches are included in the Conference fee.

Additional extra fees

Conference dinner: 40.000 Chilean pesos

To do the Registration

On-line registration: click here

Onsite registration: Will be available on Wednesday September 26, between 16:00 to 18:00, and Thursday September 27 from 08:00 at the Conference’s registration desk.

Methods of Payment

Currently, only bank transfer is available as payment system.

As soon as possible, online payment will be enabled.

Applying for INEBRIA membership

Applying for INEBRIA membership is free and there is no membership fee. If you choose to apply for membership, while its processing, just select the Member fee. Then apply for membership before the conference starts.

To apply for membership, select the following link:


[alert style=»warning»]

On Monday 7th was the deadline for abstracts submissions and scholarships applications for INEBRIA 2018. Thank you very much to everyone for the great interest and for the large number of abstracts submitted.

Unfortunately, we just identified some technical problems in the conference e-mail since 15th March, thus some applications might have not been properly received, particularly the ones applying for the Latin America and Chile scholarships.

For this reason, we need to ask you to resend your applications to, in order to be sure of having them all. The new deadline to do this is Friday, May 18.

In this occasion, and as a guarantee of receiving your files, we will send you an email confirming the reception, no later than the next day.

Registration, abstracts submission and INEBRIA scholarships applications sent to have NOT been affected.

Finally, we know that this problem could also have affected some other general emails or specific questions sent for the local organization. We apologize and ask you to send us your questions again if we have not answered them.


[accordion title=»» open1st=»0″ openAll=»0″ style=»»][accordion_item title=»INEBRIA SCHOLARSHIPS«]

INEBRIA offers 5 scholarships to attend the INEBRIA2018 conference for professionals with genuine interest in expanding EIBI in their countries.

Who is the target audience?
Professionals working in the field of brief interventions for alcohol and drugs, from academic, clinical, public and civil sector organisations.

Eligibility criteria for applicants:
• To be an early stage professional working in the field of brief interventions for alcohol, with less than 8 years since latest formal academic qualification.
• To be resident of a developing country according to the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of the OECD criteria. You can check the list here.
• To be a member of INEBRIA. Membership is free of charge and open to any individual with demonstrated experience in the area of brief interventions for alcohol and drugs problems, either from undertaking research or having implemented interventions in one or more settings. You can become a member by filling the registration form you will find in the INEBRIA website.
• To have an abstract accepted for INEBRIA2018.

What do we offer?
INEBRIA offers different options of funding to support participation in the Chile conference. The options are the following:
1. Waived conference fee.
2. Cost of travelling to Santiago de Chile (up to a limit of $1,000).
3. Accommodation expenses (up to a limit of $500).
4. Full support (waived fee, travel, accommodation) (up to a limit of $1,500 plus fee).
In the application form, you will need to specify the level of funding support required.

Instructions to apply
Candidates should complete the application form  and return it to before May 7.

• The closing date for applications is 07/05/2018.
• The application process for INEBRIA scholarships will be conducted entirely in English.
• To be eligible for an award, you must have an accepted abstract for the Chile conference.

Review process
Applications will be reviewed independently by three members of the INEBRIA Coordinating Committee. The decision will be made on the basis of the quality of the accepted abstract, the reasoning provided by the candidate and the need for support.
The list of scholarship holders will be announced in June 2018. Awarded candidates will be notified individually by e-mail.

Conditions upon signature of the scholarship
Successful applicants will be required to sign a written agreement with INEBRIA, which details the conditions of the award.
These include the requirement to attend the conference and write and send a short report on the knowledge or contacts gained through attendance at the conference after the event.
Transfer of the scholarship funds is dependent on your agreement with these conditions.


[accordion title=»» open1st=»0″ openAll=»0″ style=»»][accordion_item title=»FEE SCHOLARSHIPS (Latin America)»]Local Organization offers 10 scholarships to attend the INEBRIA2018 conference for professionals with genuine interest in expanding EIBI in their countries.
5 of these scholarships include access to Preconference (SBIRT Course).

Who is the target audience?
Professionals working in the field of brief interventions for alcohol and drugs, from academic, clinical, public and civil sector organisations.

Eligibility criteria for applicants
• To be resident of a Latin American country.
• To be a member of INEBRIA. Membership is free of charge and open to any individual with demonstrated experience in the area of brief interventions for alcohol and drugs problems, either from undertaking research or having implemented interventions in one or more settings. You can become a member by filling the registration form you will find in the INEBRIA website.
• To have an abstract accepted for INEBRIA2018 is not mandatory to participate in this process, but candidates who submit abstracts will be prioritized.

What do we offer?
Local Organization offers waived fee for the Conference and, in 5 cases, access to Preconference (SBIRT Course). The options are:
1. Waived Conference fee.
2. Waived Conference fee and Preconference access (SBIRT Course).

In the application form, you will need to specify the type of funding support required.

Instructions to apply
Candidates should complete the application form and return it to before May 18.
It is vital that you submit all the necessary information, otherwise your application will be not considered.

• The closing date for applications is 18/05/2018.
• The application process will be conducted in English or Spanish.

Review process
Applications will be reviewed independently by three members of the Local Organizing Committee. The decision will be made on the basis of the reasoning provided by the candidate and the need for support and the quality of the accepted abstract, if any is sent.
The list of scholarship holders will be announced in June 2018. Awarded candidates will be notified individually by e-mail.


[accordion title=»» open1st=»0″ openAll=»0″ style=»»][accordion_item title=»FEE SCHOLARSHIPS (Chile)«]La Organización Local de la Conferencia ofrece 110 becas para participar de la Conferencia INEBRIA2018, para profesionales con interés genuino en expandir la Detección Temprana e Intervenciones Breves en sus territorios, redes y lugares de trabajo.

55 de estas becas incluyen además acceso a la Preconferencia (Curso en Detección Temprana e Intervenciones Breves).

¿Cuál es el público objetivo?
Profesionales que trabajan en el campo de las intervenciones breves en alcohol y drogas, en contextos académicos, clínicos y de la red de salud, organismos públicos y de la sociedad civil.

Criterios de inclusión para postulantes
• Ser residente en Chile.
• Ser miembro de INEBRIA no es obligatorio para participar del proceso, pero los candidatos que sean miembros serán priorizados. Puede revisar las condiciones de membresía en la página web de INEBRIA.
• Tener un trabajo aceptado en la Conferencia INEBRIA2018 no es obligatorio para participar del proceso, pero los candidatos que hayan enviado trabajos serán priorizados.

¿Qué ofrecemos?
La Organización Local de la Conferencia ofrece eximir los costos de inscripción de la Conferencia y, en 55 casos, acceso a la Preconferencia. Las opciones de beca son:
1. Costos de inscripción de la Conferencia.
2. Costos de inscripción de la Conferencia y acceso a la Preconferencia.
En el formulario de postulación, usted debe especificar la opción que prefiere.

Instrucciones para postular
Los candidatos deben completar el formulario de postulación  y enviarlo de regreso a antes del 18 de mayo.
Es muy importante que envíe toda la información necesaria, de otra manera, su postulación no será considerada.

• El cierre de las postulaciones es el 18/05/2018.
• El proceso de postulación debe ser realizado en español.

Proceso de evaluación
Las postulaciones serán evaluadas independientemente por tres miembros del Comité Organizador Local. La decisión será hecha sobre la base de las razones entregadas por el candidato, la necesidad de apoyo y la calidad del trabajo aceptado, si ha sido enviado.

Los criterios de evaluación serán:
• Vinculación profesional con el tema: Se dará prioridad a aquellos postulantes cuyas disciplinas y funciones profesionales guardan mayor cercanía con implementación, desarrollo, gestión o investigación en Detección Temprana, Intervenciones Breves y Referencia a Tratamiento en Alcohol y Drogas (DIR), o sus áreas relacionadas.
• Experiencia previa: Se dará prioridad a aquellos postulantes que estén o hayan estado vinculados con inciativas o programas en el campo de la Detección Temprana, Intervenciones Breves y Referencia a Tratamiento en Alcohol y Drogas (DIR), o sus áreas relacionadas, ya sea a nivel de implementación, desarrollo, gestión o investigación.
• Responsabilidades/niveles de gestión: Se dará prioridad a quienes tengan responsabilidades de coordinación o manejo de proyectos, planes o programas en el campo de la Detección Temprana, Intervenciones Breves y Referencia a Tratamiento en Alcohol y Drogas (DIR), o sus áreas relacionadas. Se incluyen diversos niveles de la red de salud, desde los niveles de servicios de salud o servicios públicos hasta dispositivos o redes locales, así como la academia.
• Proyecciones de aplicación, réplica y diseminación: Se espera que los conocimientos y habilidades adquiridas sean aplicadas, replicadas y diseminadas en el corto o mediano plazo. Se dará prioridad a quienes dispongan de posibilidades concretas de llevar a la práctica actividades relacionadas con algunas de las áreas de conocimiento abordadas en la Conferencia y Pre-Conferencia, realizando capacitaciones, desarrollo de propuestas novedosas y fortaleciendo las iniciativas en desarrollo.
• Interés público: Se priorizará que las proyecciones de aplicación, réplica y diseminación tengan expresión e interés público. Las becas están abiertas para profesionales que trabajen en el mundo privado de la salud y/o la academia, sin embargo, pero en estos casos igualmente se espera que la aplicación y diseminación tengan efectos o relevancia pública.

La asignación de becas intentará representar a la red de salud, así como a la red vinculada al Servicio Nacional de Prevención y Rehabilitación en Drogas y Alcohol en los territorios locales y regiones, pero está abierta también a la academia, así como al mundo privado en la medida que los postulantes sean idóneos.

La lista de becados será anunciada en Junio de 2018. Los ganadores serán notificados individualmente por e-mail.



Type INEBRIA Scholarships Fee Scholarships
Applicants from Least developed countries, low income countries, lower-middle income countries, upper-middle income countries Latin American countries Chile
Support Waived fee, travel and accommodation Waived fee, preconference access Waived fee, preconference access
Scholarships available 5 10 (5 including Preconference access) 110 (55 including Preconference access)
Application language English English / Spanish Spanish
Form Download form Download form Download form
Application deadline May 7, 2018
Submission deadline (for applicants) May 7, 2018
Results June



Cancellation and refund policy

Cancellations and refund requests must be notified in written form to

Deadlines Refund
From February 19 to July 31 An administrative fee of 45.000 Chilean pesos will be deducted from your refund
From August 1 to August 31 Registration fees can be refunded up to 50% of the amount paid
From September 1 No refunds will be granted from this date